Papers & Presentations
by Arthur Davis
by Arthur Davis
Recommended Books & Articles
- Oregon Foundation Databook - 14th ed., edited by Craig McPherson. This is a remarkable book. It's like holding a database in your hands. The listings in the back for types of projects (e.g. capital), subject area, and funding by geographic area within the state are always helpful.
- Getting Funded: The Complete Guide to Writing Grant Proposals by Susan Howlett: Susan has been one of our most beloved speakers at local Grant Professionals conferences, and Getting Funded is the book I use in my classes.
- Writing To Win Federal Grants by Cheryl Kester and Karen Cassidy: A simple, clear, concise book on federal grants with useful examples.
- The Nonprofit Strategy Revolution by David La Piana: If I were recommending one book for most nonprofits, this would be it.
- Building Nonprofit Capacity by John Brothers and Anne Sherman
- The Sustainability Mindset: Using the Matrix Map to Make Strategic Decisions by Steve Zimmerman
- The Nonprofit Business Plan by David La Piana
- Total Giving Momentum article on donor analysis by Ron Frey
- 2014 Fundraising Effectiveness Survey by Urban Institute and AFP
- 2014 Charitable Giving Report by Blackbaud
Fundraising Skills Development
GPA - Grants Professionals Association of Oregon & SW Washington is the place to grow and learn as a professional and network with grant writing colleagues.
WVDO - Willamette Valley Development Officers WVDO offers an outstanding annual conference for fundraisers at all skill levels, grant writing and corporate funding special interest groups, and a major gift symposium.
WVDO - Willamette Valley Development Officers WVDO offers an outstanding annual conference for fundraisers at all skill levels, grant writing and corporate funding special interest groups, and a major gift symposium.